Thursday, May 27, 2010

Seen and Not Seen

It's been a while since I wrote anything more than 140 characters, and I'm starting to get the itch again.  I guess I technically have a journal elsewhere, but in a place that's hardly used any more and is now a pain to even visit due to all the ads.

I'm still not totally sure what I'm going to do with this thing.  The vague plan right now is to use it for talking about music, with occasional interludes for movies or something.  There's a chance I might use it for more creative elements or comedy, but I guess I could also split those off into some other separate location...on the off chance I actually do get fully bitten by that sort of writing bug.  But more likely it will just be mosquitos biting me.

I wanted to name this blog "Seen and Not Seen", but at least two different variations of that are already taken up by squatters who haven't posted anything.  Bastards!

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