Friday, June 18, 2010

My upcoming disaster film

Recently I tried to help a friend with 48 Hour Film Festival. Last year I was one of the primary writers, and it was a blast. This year....I don't know. I feel like I did a good job when in the phase of brainstorming for premises, but once it came time to actually write the script I just whiffed. Writing for me needs a spark, and I have to be in the zone, and I simply couldn't get there. This has always been one of my problems, I'll go through a burst of mass creativity where I can produce work quickly, work that even I find to be quality. And then comes an inevitable spell of nothingness, where the ideas just disappear. I suppose every writer must deal with this, and it's one of the main reasons I've never really pursued this professionally.

But today I feel like I had some more of those creative bursts, albeit of the stupid kind. I can be doing anything when a muse strikes and I either have to lose it forever or get it out on any medium. -- even if it happens to be twitter. I somehow got the idea for a bad Hollywood disaster film based on recent events. Entire scenes and characters were forming in my head, but this is all I got out (with minor edits and formatting adjustments):

GRIZZLED SEA VETERAN appears and scrapes nails along chalkboard.

If you want to stop the oil leak, you've got to THINK like an oil leak!
[...] EVIL BIOPETROPALEONTOLOGIST dips finger into thick GOO, then brings it up to his mouth for a taste.
This is from Devonian era ferns (pause) but also Jurassic-era apatosaurus! This is CROSS-STRATA OIL!
PRESIDENT (cont. speech)
We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Oil Independence Day!

Yeah. I kept trying to work in some sort of sludge monster, but was hampered by the 140 character limit. A few other people were also chipping in with some pretty good ideas. And I definitely want the biopetropaleontologist to be played by Willem Dafoe.

I need a movie camera, dammit.

I have no idea what the hell blogger is doing to my formatting in the script box. Maybe it's just chrome. Sorry if it's not word-wrapping properly.

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