Sunday, June 13, 2010

That time of the month

I'm supposed to be packing up to move to a new place, and the last thing I need is more clutter.  But I also get that itch where I have to fulfill my needs, and it hit pretty hard this week.  One thing lead to another and I found myself at Sound Garden slurping up music.  I got a good mix of new things, used items, and a couple vinyl double dips of favorite albums I wanted on that media format.  (If they hadn't been out of the deluxe version of Disintegration, I absolutely would have snatched that up, too.)

Camera Obscura - The Nights are Cold 7"
Cold Cave - Life Magazine
Depreciation Guild - Spirit Youth
Dum Dum Girls - Jail La La 7"
Galaxie 500 - Today
The Mountain Goats - Tallahassee

Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Before Today
Blitzen Trapper - Destroyer of the Void*
CocoRosie - Grey Oceans
Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles
The Fall - Totally Wired
Kaki King - Junior
Talking Heads - Little Creatures  (hard to believe I didn't already have this)
Teenage Fanclub - Shadows

I swear I'm absolutely not buying any more music until I've moved.  And by "absolutely", I mean "probably".

* Half the reason I got this is because my eyes are intrinsically lured in by the word "Destroyer"


  1. Very curious to hear what you think of the new Teenage Fanclub.

  2. It'll probably be a couple days before I get a chance to listen to all of this. :)
